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                    "Yakuzen" mean "medical cooking" in Japanese. 

In Belgium, we can ask a nutritionist what we need to eat on the basis of a blood test.

But we can’t know how we should cook our food.

We need to eat good ingredients, and they have to taste good.

We will grow vegetables in the green house and cook them in the same place.

The visitors can know easily what they ate and how it was cooked.

Also we can share so many types of recipe, because we are in the multicultural city of Brussels. It can also help each person to build his or her own lifestyle through food. And we can use some greenhouses for several cultural event.

“Yakuzen café” will be a platform for eating in Brussels. 



There is a broken green house behind Sobiesuki Parc in Laken.

Now, Brussels Environnement-IBGE has a responsibility, but they don't use it.

 I would like to create “Yakuzen café” in this place for people who want to know what they should eat to be health.


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